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Developments in the field of medical technology products are ongoing, and require dedication and continuous updating, from people who operate in the field. In this environment, Mediplus aspires to become a bridge for the transfer of technological developments, in applied medicine and hospital care.

By standing firm in its values and way of operation, the company provides support to medical and nursing staff of hospital institutions, as well as home care people (relatives or professionals) and improves the health of patients, by providing customized solutions to the needs of the sector.

The portfolio of products currently distributed by Mediplus, include integrated solutions for people who receive nursing care at home. It consists of a full range of pads for the rehabilitation of wounds (pressure ulcers, burns, diabetic foot, etc.), bags, care products and accessories for stoma patients, catheters for self-catheterization, beds for patients who enjoy healthcare services at home, and medical supplies.

With regards to the above products, we have assured partnerships with firms which offer innovative solutions to the health sector. However, our efforts do not end there. Our long-term goal is to enrich our portfolio of products even more, with new supplies.

We are constantly working on updating with on developments in the field of medicine, and search for the best products, which will be turned into useful tools, in the hands of health professionals, and will give the best results to patients.

The team of Mediplus loyal to the corporate mission promises to work with undiminished courage and enthusiasm, to fulfill it.